Lanzarote ist die östlichste der kanarischen Inseln. Neben ihr liegt das sog. Chinijo-Archipel, das aus den unbewohnten Inseln Alegranza, Montaña Clara, Roque del Este, Roque de 0este und der einzigen bewohnten Insel Graciosa. Die gesamte Insel Lanzarte wurde zum Weltbiosphärenreservat erklärt. Cesar Manrique (24. April 1919 in Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spanien; † 25. September 1992 in Tahíche, Lanzarote) der wohl bekannteste Künstler der Insel, hat hier bleibende Eindrücke hinterlassen, die zu den künstlerischen Sehenswüdigkeiten der Insel gehören.


Oberfläche: 854,94 Quadratkilometer

Höchster Punkt der Insel: "Peñas del Chache" mit 671 m

13 geschützte Naturräume:

> Umfassende Naturschutzgebiete sind alle Nebeninseln (s.o.)

> Besondere Naturlandschaften sind: La Corona, Los Ajaches, La Cueva de Los Naturalistias, Islote de Halcones.

> Geschützte Landschaften die Gegenden um Tenegüime und La Geria.

> Orte von wissenschaftlichem Interesse: "Los Jameos" und Janubio.

> Naturparks: Chinijo-Archipel und die Vulkanlandschaften.

> Nationalpark: Timanfaya

> Maritime Naturschutzgebiete: Die Nebeninseln La Graciosa, Alegranza, Montaña Clara, Roque del Este und Roque del Oeste.

Repräsentative Flora: gelbblühende Margariten, Besenginster, Aeonium canariense.

Repräsentative Fauna: Gecko, Kanarische Kragentrappe, Fischadler der Unterart "Pandion haliaetus carolinensis, Albino-Krebs, Kanareneidechse, Gelbschnabel-Sturmtaucher, Fischadler.

Hauptstadt: Arrecife. Die ihr gegegnüberliegenden fesligen Riffe hgaben der Stadt ihren Namen, sie schützen gleichzeitig von den starken Meeresströmungen. Die Stadt entstand um eine Salzwasserlagune herum, dem "Charco de San Ginés". Arrecife ist die flächenmässig kleinste Gemeinde der Insel, im Hinblick auf die Bevölkerungszahl allerdings die größte.

Bevölkerungszahl der Insel Lanzarote: 141.938 (2009)

Anzahl der Gemeinden auf der Insel (7): Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise, Tias, Tinajo, Yaiza.

Flughafen (1): Lanzarote- Guacimeta

Passgagierhäfen (4): Hafen von Arrecife, Hafen von Playa Blanca, Hafen von Órzola und Hafen von Caleta de Sebo.

Sport- und Yachthäfen (6): Puerto del Carmen, Caleta de Sebo, Playa Blanca, Arrecife, "Marina Rubicón", Puerto Calero.

Öffentliche Krankenhäuser (1): Inselkrankenhaus "Hospital Doctor José Molina Orosa".

Universitäten(2): Studienzentrum "Centro Asociado de la Universidad Nacional a Distancia" (an die Nationale Fernuniversität angeschlossenes Studienzentrum) und der Campus von Lanzarote an der Universität von Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Kongresszentren (2): Auditorium "Cueva de Los Verdes", Auditorium "Los Jameos del Agua".

Golfplätze (2): "Golf Costa Teguise", "Golf Tias".

Museen (13): Museum über die Kanarische Emigration "Museo del Emigrante Canario", Museum "Palacio Sinola", Internationales Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst "Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo Castillo de San José", Archäologisches und Ethnografisches Museum "Castillo de San Gabriel". Landwirtschaftsmuseum "El Patio", Stiftung "Fundación César Manrique", Museum der Meeressäugetiere "Museo de Cetáceos", Ethnografisches Museum "Tanit", Luftfahrtmuseum "Museo Aeronáutico de Lanzarote", Mueseumshaus und Bauerndenkmal, Museum für Wissenschaft und Technik, Museum für Heilige Kunst (im Kloster Santo Domingo) und Museum "El Alemacén".

Gastronomie: Geräucherter Lachs, Eintopfgericht "Sancocho", "Papas Arugadas" (Runzelkartoffeln) mit Mojo und Käse aus Lanzarote, frische Fischgerichte.

Volksfeste: Karneval, "San Ginés", Fest zu Ehren der Schutzpatronin "Virgen del Carmen, "San Marcial", Fornleichnamsfeierlichkeiten "Corpus Christi", Johannisnachtfeste, Fest zu Ehren der Schutzpatronin "Virgen de Los Volcanes, Weihnachsfeste "Ranchos de Pascua".

Sightseeings mit hohem Besucherinteresse: Strand "Playa del Papagayo", "Jameos del Agua", "Cueva de Los Verdes", "Los Hervideros", Yaiza, La Geria, Famara, Nationalpark Timanfaya, Stiftung César Manrique, Kaktusgarten "Jardin de Cactus" (angelegt von Manrique).

all photos are © by león w. schoenau



Der britische Bildhauer deCaires Jason Taylor hat mit 240 neuen Skulpturen  Atlantic Museum Lanzarote erweitert. Damit besitzt das erste Unterwasser-Kunstzentrum Europas rund ein Jahr nach seiner Eröffnung insgesamt 300 Werke. Der Künstler sagt selbst, dass "dieses Museum ein Portal in eine andere Welt (ist) und so ein besseres Verständnis bringt für die Meeresumwelt und unsere Abhängigkeit von ihr ..." Das  Atlantic Museum Lanzarote, befindet sich quasi auf dem Meeresboden in der Bucht von Las Coloradas bis 14 Meter tief und hat eine Fläche von 50 Quadratmetern ... Das Projekt wurde von den Zentren für Kunst, Kultur und Tourismus des Cabildos von Lanzarote gefördert und ist dessenNetzwerk aufgenommen wird. Es hat auch eine Kofinanzierung der Regierung Kanarischen Inseln erhalten.


(Source: Photo by Jason de Caires Taylor) : Thema "Prozession auf dem Meeresgrund". Die Installation "El Rubicón" ist Teil des neuen Unterwassermuseums vor Lanzarote.
(Source: Photo by Jason de Caires Taylor) : Thema "Prozession auf dem Meeresgrund". Die Installation "El Rubicón" ist Teil des neuen Unterwassermuseums vor Lanzarote.


El Golfo
El Golfo

Arrecife Beaches


El Castillo beach is on the end of Leon y Castillo, the main pedestrian street in the centre of Arrecife where the Castillo de San Gabriel is situated.

Dimensions: 30m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


El Reducto beach is the one that you see on the main coast road, next to the Gran Hotel. This beach is very popular with locals but there are also a number of hotels offering city breaks along the front for tourists looking for a more Spanish holiday too.

Dimensions: 470m long & 45m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm but tricky to enter at low tide as situated on a reef


El Cable beach is situated mid way between Arrecife and Playa Honda, access is of the main carriage way where the petrol stations are situated opposite each other, or along the promenade. Not a popular beach as it can be polluted occasionally.

Dimensions: 315m long & 18m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: windy with moderate waves


La Concha beach is further towards Playa Honda from El Cable. Accessed from Playa Honda or along the promenade from Arrecife.

Dimensions: 250m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine

Sea: calm


Haría Beaches


Arrieta, Playa La Garita is the islands best kept secret! This beach is great for all occasions, it has a good swell for surfers, great snorkeling under the jetty, fishing off the pier and two tapas bars. Overnight camping not permitted but tolerated on the furthest section of the beach.

Dimensions: 810m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


El Charcon beach is the small one with a natural sea pool next to Casa Juanita in Arrieta.

Dimensions: 15m long & 4m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Caleta del Campo beach is opposite the renown restaurant El Lago on the coast road between Punta Mujeres and Arrieta.

Dimensions: 50m long & 6m deep

Sand: rocks

Sea: moderate


Caleta del Espino beach is in Punta Mujeres where the natural sea pool is opposite the tapas bar La Piscina.

Dimensions: 55m long & 6m deep

Sand: description says fine white but no sand!

Sea: calm


Las Sebas beach is the other end of Punta Mujeres, there are two sea pools, a slipway and lots of locals fishing.

Dimensions: 75m long & 4m deep

Sand: description says fine white with rocks, but I would say rocks!

Sea: calm


Los Caletones beach is along the coast path from Punta Mujeres to Jameos del Agua.

Dimensions: 125m long & 3m deep

Sand: rocks

Sea: moderate


Caleta de José Marí­a beach is on the coast path close to Los Caletones beach.

Dimensions: 80m long & 3m deep

Sand: medium white with rocks

Sea: moderate


There is a selection of small beaches stretching along the coast road towards Orzola, the less well known ones are:

Caleta del Guincho 60m & 4m, rocks, moderate

Caleta de las Escamas 140m & 4m, rocks, moderate

La Caleta 60m & 7m, fine white, moderate

Caleta de Mojon 100m & 13m, medium white, moderate

El Banquito 75m & 5m, medium white, moderate

Caleta Gonzales 70m & 8m, rocks, moderate


Caletón Blanco Beach is the largest of the shallow water and white sand beaches that appear on your right as you follow the road to Órzola. Great for children, lots of rock pools. Close by is a naturist beach Caleta del Mero.

Dimensions: 500m long & 9m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm and shallow


La Cantería Beach is hidden under the dramatic cliffs at Órzola. Access is by car along a dirt track, as you turn right from the coast road into the village turn left to find the beach. Often used for overnight camping and popular with surfers.

Dimensions: 300m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine brown

Sea: moderate with strong undertow


El Risco beach is deserted but beautiful! Access is via boat or down the goat path from the car park along from the Mirador del Rio towards Guinate. The definitely beach is worth the trek down but remember the only way back is up and its 650m!! The annual swim to La Graciosa starts here each September.

Dimensions: 845m long by 8m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: moderate


Jameos del Agua has two beaches in the area known as Malpaís de la Corona, the first is Las Cocinitas Beach and the second is La Caleta Beach, accessible from the car park or down a track, with constant wind and popular with experienced windsurfers:

Dimensions: 100m long & 13m deep 60m long & 7m deep

Sand: white medium, some stones fine white, pebbles

Sea: moderate moderate


Charco del Palo has a sandy cliff coastline with access into the sea off the rocks with ladders for exit. It is a naturist village and clothes are optional. There is also a natural sea swimming pool. Very popular with scuba divers.

Dimensions: 10m long & 4m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


Playa de Seifio, access by 4x4

Dimensions: 60m long & 4m deep

Sand: rocks

Sea: calm


San Bartolomé Beaches


The coast of San Bartolomé is the area of Playa Honda which has two beaches.


The first is Playa Honda beach, it's huge and stretches along the popular promenade.

Dimensions: 1900m long & 85m deep

Sand: medium golden

Sea: calm


The second beach is Guacimeta beach and it stretches around the airport runway, you can stand and watch the planes land over your head! Not classed as a naturist beach but is known for it.

Dimensions: 1km long & 40m deep

Sand: fine

Sea: calm



Teguise Beaches


The municipality of Teguise covers a wide area, Costa Teguise, Famara and La Graciosa.


Costa Teguise has some very different beaches accessed from the promenade. 


Las Cucharas beach, considered the main beach and very popular for windsurfing especially with the wind increase in the afternoons.

Dimensions: 640m long & 25m deep

Sand: fine

Sea: calm


Los Charcos beach, sheltered from the wind.

Dimensions: 310m long & 30m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


El Jablillo beach, sheltered cove and popular with children and try scuba divers.

Dimensions: 150m long & 20m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Playa Bastian beach, looks pretty with zocos but difficult to access the water at low tide.

Dimensions: 375m long & 15m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


El Ancla beach, lovely and quiet

Dimensions: 150m long & 15m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


La Caleta is situated past Costa Teguise heading towards Arrecife, just before the desalination plant is the beach of Ensenada de La Caleta. Great local tapas bars!

Dimensions: 400m long & 12m deep

Sand: fine

Sea: calm


Barlovento beach is where the boat has been beached after the desalination plant.

Dimensions: 220m long & 10m deep

Sand: gravel & rock

Sea: calm


La Arena beach is between Puerto Naos and Castillo San José, access is via the road to the Castillo and there is a turn off on the bend before.

Dimensions: 115m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine

Sea: calm


Famara is impressive, the beach stretches for nearly 6km and you can't help but be in awe of the magnificent Famara cliffs. Swimming is dangerous, there are strong waves and under currents making it popular with surfers. Also attracts kite surfers and experienced windsurfers.

Dimensions: 6km long & 100m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: strong, caution advised


Caleta de Famara, in the village

Dimenions: 190m long & 15m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


Caleta Caballo beach is along the coast, close to the sports holiday complex, Club La Santa.

Dimensions: 60m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


La Charca beach

Dimensions: 50m long & 10m deep

Sand: description fine white, photo shows rocks

Sea: calm


Tio Joaquin beach, access by 4x4

Dimensions: 335m long & 5m deep

Sand: medium white sand and rocks

Sea: moderate


Tia Vicenta beach

Dimensions: 405m long & 10m deep

Sand: medium black with rocks

Sea: moderate


San Juan beach

Dimensions: 100m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


Las Palomas beach

Dimensions: 70m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


El Perejil beach

Dimensions: 140m long & 8m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


Bajo Raso beach

Dimensions: 40m long & 10m deep

Sand: description says fine white photo shows black rocks!

Sea: moderate


Morros Negros beach, surfing for experts

Dimensions: 45m long & 6m deep

Sand: rocks

Sea: moderate


Barranco de los Conejos beach

Dimensions: 70m long & 7m deep

Sand: fine with rock

Sea: calm


La Graciosa is a small island but it has 8 beaches in the area known as Chinijo Archipelago. Many of these beaches are isolated and only accessible on foot.


Caleta de Arriba beach

Dimensions: 55m long & 10 deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


El Salado beach, overnight camping permitted

Dimensions: 1.8km long & 20m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Francesa beach

Dimensions: 435m long & 30m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


La Cocina beach

Dimensions: 100m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


La Laja beach

Dimensions: 100m long & 12m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


La Lambra beach

Dimensions: 600m long & 55m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: moderate


Las Conchas beach, spectacular views to the other islands

Dimensions: 610m long & 80m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: strong


Pedro Barba beach

Dimensions: 115m long & 25m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Caleta del Puerto

Dimensions: 100m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine

Sea: calm


Isla de la Alegranza beach, access via boat

Dimensions: 215m long & 8m deep

Sand: thick red

Sea: strong


Tías Beaches


This covers the Puerto del Carmen resort with over 6km of beaches from Matagorda to the old harbor.


Playa Grande, the main beach on the strip in the resort, with sun beds and swan pedalos for hire.

Dimensions: 1.19km long & 100m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


The smaller beaches along the front in Puerto del Carmen are:

El Caleton de Enmedio 45m & 5m, golden, calm

La Peña del Dice 50m & 5m, fine golden, calm

El Barranquillo 60m & 5m, fine white with rocks, calm


Los Pocillos beach, a deep beach with wind so good for windsurfing and flying kites.

Dimensions: 1.23km long & 150m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


Matagorda beach stretches from Los Pocillos around the Matagorda commercial centre.

Dimensions: 850m long & 40m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


Lima beach offers sheltered positions, some rocks. Good snorkeling and conditions ideal for beginners windsurfing.

Dimensions: 900m long & 50m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


La Peña Grande is a thin strip of beach.

Dimensions: 40m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


Pila de la Barrilla beach, known as Playa Chica, just past the Fariones very popular with scuba divers and watersports hire.

Dimensions: 90m long & 22m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


Fariones beach, situated next to Playa Grande and the Fariones hotel.

Dimensions: 60m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


Tinajo Beaches


This is a great coast for surfing, the sea is very dramatic with huge powerful rollers.


La Santa beach is on the La Santa island, popular for picnics and BBQ's and the lagoon is great for small children or learning to windsurf.

Dimensions: 940m long & 12m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Teneza beach

Dimensions: 90m long & 6m deep

Sand: black

Sea: strong


La Boca de Abajo beach, situated just past Club La Santa.

Dimensions: 30m long & 20m deep

Sand: medium black

Sea: strong


Las Malvas beach

Dimensions: 180m long & 10m deep

Sand: medium black

Sea: strong


La Madera beach

Dimensions: 85m long & 10m deep

Sand: medium black

Sea: strong


Yaiza Beaches


Yaiza covers the tourist area of Playa Blanca and some of the most popular beaches on the island.


Papagayo beaches, there are a series of them all with golden sand, calm turquoise water and views to Lobos and Fuerteventura. These are remote but very worth exploring, so please take food and drink with you and make a day of it. From left to right there are 8 beaches:

Playa Puerto Muelas 130m x 10m

Playa Caleta del Congrio 130m x 10m

Playa Papagayo 120m x 15m

Playa la Cera 105m x 30m

Playa la Cruz 320m x 60m

Caleton del San Marcial 35m x 6m

Caleton del Cobre 40m x 3m

Playa Mujeres 395m x 85m

Playa Las Coloradas 410m x 7m


The beaches are accessed by a dirt road off the large roundabout on the road to Femes, public are asked to pay an entry fee of €3 Euros and residents with are free of charge. You can also take a water taxi or catamaran trip to reach these beaches from the resort. There are a number of boat excursions that anchor off Playa Mujeres and Las Coloradas as they are the larger beaches. Papagayo is also popular with naturists.


Playa Blanca beach is situated in the centre of the resort, where the old village was.

Dimensions: 40m long & 8m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Playa Dorada Beach is between the centre and the Marina Rubicon port, it's a popular beach with water sports available for hire.

Dimensions: 300m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


Flamingo Beach can be located past the old harbor towards the lighthouse.

Dimensions: 200m long & 20m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


La Mulata beach

Dimensions: 80m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


La Campana beach

Dimensions: 140m long & 12m deep

Sand: fine golden

Sea: calm


Montaña Roja beach

Dimensions: 260m long & 7m deep

Sand: fine white

Sea: calm


La Arena beach

Dimensions: 85m long & 10m deep

Sand: black

Sea: calm


El Golfo beach is the one you see on the postcards with the green lagoon called Charco de los Clicos. This coast is windy with strong waves, there is also a beach of 125m x 15m in the village of El Charco.

Dimensions: 320m long & 30m wide

Sand: medium black

Sea: strong


Janubio beach is next to the Salinas just off the main road from Yaiza to Playa Blanca where you turn for El Golfo, here you can find lava rock with the green olivina inside.

Dimensions: 820m long & 30m deep

Sand: medium black

Sea: strong


Its not a beach but you should stop at Los Hervideros along this coastline (Janubio - El Golfo) to see the strong waves pound into the caves and blow holes.


Montaña Bermeja beach, situated along the coast to El Golfo.

Dimensions: 455m long & 40m deep

Sand: medium black

Sea: strong


El Paso beach, between El Golfo and Timanfaya

Dimensions: 120m long & 11m deep

Sand: fine black

Sea: strong


Playa Quemada is hidden away between Puerto Calero and Playa Blanca, an untouched Canarian village with good restaurants.

Dimensions: 310m long & 8m deep

Sand: pebbles

Sea: calm


El Pozo beach

Dimensions: 345m long & 10m deep

Sand: fine black

Sea: calm


El Valle de la Casa beach

Dimensions: 105m long & 8m deep

Sand: fine black

Sea: calm


El Parrado beach

Dimensions: 280m long & 5m deep

Sand: fine black

Sea: calm


La Fuentecita beach

Dimensions: 60m long & 6m deep

Sand: fine black

Sea: calm


Berrugo beach

Dimensions: 210m long & 5m deep

Sand: medium golden

Sea: calM


Beach Wizard offer a surfing guide to the following Lanzarote beaches:



Orzola, La Canteria

Jameos del Agua

Punta Mujeres

Arrieta, La Garita




Caleta de Famara

San Juan

Ghost Town

Caleta Caballo

Morro Negro



El Golfo
